Be humble, but strong Questioning, but faithful Be yourself,
but not complacent Above all - Love! 1995
Written on Good Friday, 2006. Day darkness with thunder claps and rain (though no temple drapes
were rent) almost matched the biblical good Friday, 1924. Margaret Ivo Giebel on her own birthday was giving birth to
her fourth child. She so hoped that this new life would stay. The three infants she had birthed in the years before had not.
They died soon after their first cries. Unlike the others, I fought to stay. I arrived with a grey pallor and gasping for
breath. Gradually, the breathing became normal, the skin lost the grey. I was here to stay. Now in 2006, I imagine how
my mother would have greeted each of her many grandchildren, for she, herself, left us after my second child. My mother
played piano beautifully. Perhaps she would have had a sweet and lively ditty for each grandchild.
Robin, still thin from flight
erect, then bends in seeming homage;
He pecks court'eously at the ground
Earthworm, art awake?
the white snow patch
Brown leaves, sun-dried, dispersed by wind
But green tulip shoots, though mere inches,
Give promise of a rainbow!
Winifred's 90th Birthday |
Winifred's 90th birthday cake by Trina + Erik O'Reilly |
Willem at Win's 90th Birthday Celebration |
Win at the Botanical Gardens, Illinois |
Where the heart is Is our home Even living quite alone Within
an atmospheric tone Of quiet, in the place we call our own. March, 2007
Otto and Margaret Giebel, Sept. 13, 1947 |
Win O'Reilly, 2014 |
Win's 90th Celebration Dinner and Song |
Dorothy and Chris April 18, 2014, Chicago, Illinois |
Music - what food for my life!
is such a gift, Lord Listening to silence Listening to familiar voices Listening to rain, snow-fall Listening
to bird song Listening to baby sounds Listening to the beautiful
Vision - what food for my life!
tranquil or stormy skies Seeing child faces Seeing responsive eyes Seeing twinkling eyes and lights Seeing
loved one's photos Seeing loved one's art Seeing flowers, trees, grass Seeing the written word Seeing Beauty
1995 ________________________________________________
Lullaby Medley: "Frère Jacques", "Twinkle, Twinkle,
Little Star", "Brahms Lullaby" performed
by Winifred O'Reilly
Piano: Katrina O'Reilly
Recorder: Don Peters
Clarinet: Sarah Amandes
"Yuletide" O'Reilly Family Christmas Concert
Crystal Lake, Ilinois, December, 2002.
Winifred O'Reilly