Winifred O'Reilly April 18, 1924 - April 1, 2019

Winifred's Family Life: Born April 18, 1924 in Cleveland, Ohio.

Winifred's Family Life
Rock a Bye Baby
Children as Adults Page One
Children as Adults Page Two
Children as Adults Page Three
Grandchildren's Names in Birth Order
Grandchildren Page One
Grandchildren Page Two
Great Grandchildren's Names and Birthdates
Grandchildren Weddings
Treasured Memories of Grandma Win
Treasured Memories of Grandma Win Page Two
Willem's Thanksgiving Memory
Sisters and Brothers - A poem by Bernadette
Stories and poems by Winifred O'Reilly
Primus Theatre Timeline
"Smoke Gets In Her Eyes" May 22, 2002
Beautiful Dreamer - Listening, Lyrics and Credits
Renaissance Ramblings
More Renaissance Ramblings by Win
Poetry Selections for Mom
Photos of Win with Friends and Loved Ones


Winifred loved her Indian dress she wore in eighth grade (circa 1937 or 1938.).

He father used to say: "When you walk up the steps,

talk to your feet, and it will be light and easy."


Winifred Ann Giebel married James Daniel O'Reilly on September 13, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois.


Her original dress was made of silk from Japan, that James sent to the states while he was in the service. It never arrived. Her bouquet was made of Lily of the Valley, her favorite flower.

As newlyweds, Winifred and James lived with her parents, Otto and Margaret. They had a son, Willem, the following September, and a daughter Cecilie, the next September. The following Spring, her mother suffered a final heart attack and died on March 21st at the age of 62. Win and James had their third child, Christopher, in December, 1950.

Winifred's father lived long enough to celebrate the birth of Gloria, Richard, Dorothy, Elizabeth, and Kathryn. The family moved 50 miles northeast of Chicago to a summer resort town called Crystal Lake. It was on the train route and Jim could commute to the city for work.

On November 22, 1957, while Winifred was expecting her ninth child (Joan), Otto Giebel passed away from leukemia as a result of having prostate cancer. He was seventy-one.

Joan Therese (Jamie)

Joan (Jamie) was born the following spring, followed by Edward (Ned), Henriette (Henri), Eugene (Beano), and twin girls, Bridget and Bernadette, born on James' half sister Dorothy's (Dottie) 64th birthday in the spring of 1964.

Winifred O'Reilly